About company

What's our story?

How did it all start?

Starting from the very beginning, we must point out at the outset that Studio Creative is divided into two factions:

  1. 3D Studio Creative – Architecture, interior design.
  2. Studio Creative Decor – Decorative stainless steel panels, Moss and stabilized plants, Services.

The order in which both companies were established is not accidental, because we are interior designers by profession and we have been dealing with our profession for 8 years – working on many projects, we encountered many design problems that needed to be solved in our role.

In 2019, we started working on a hotel renovation project – nothing special, most design offices undertake such works, but the special element for us that resulted in the creation of the second company was – a beam – a wooden beam on the ceiling, which we could not eliminate, but we had to cleverly blend in “into the crowd “.

Well, we started looking for a wall decor that will reduce the beam’s visibility at first glance and create the impression of a uniform ceiling.


We waited for ours, but they are finally here! Completely something new, different, we have not seen anything similar on the Polish market in our career, a million thoughts in our head, but this is not the time – we are packing samples, we are going to the Investor for a meeting.

Bingo! x 2 – Waves + Gloss of decorative panels completely eliminated the unevenness of the ceiling, solving our problem in the first shot – two million thoughts in the head: “hmm, maybe it’s worth introducing this to the Polish market?” WE ARE 🙂

We have heads full of ideas, thanks to which you will find extraordinary products and services that will specifically expand our offer.

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